


語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789578016415


其應邀於 2010-05-25 新書發表會的談話影音紀錄如下:




戰後,台灣一直作為中國主體之下的客體而存在。政治上,台灣被接收台灣的流亡中華民國政府所統治;人文上,中國則是詮釋台灣意義的依據,台灣無法自我詮 釋。在這種宰制下,台灣的主體性被壓抑,人民的自我認同也被扭曲,從而,「台灣」與「中國」的關係就成為二元對立,並在民主化過程中表現為台灣性對抗中國 性,或本土性對抗外來性的衝突與緊張。

首次政黨輪替後,「台灣」取得相對的主體性,而許多權威性的民調也都顯示,「台灣人」認同已逐漸 成為國家認同新主流。這可說是民進黨執政八年、陳水扁總統任內,台灣政治最巨大、幾乎是革命性的轉變!

受限於中華民國憲法的基本格局, 和國家認同變遷帶動的族群緊張,雖然台灣主體意識在民間社會已經有高度的成長,但在政治上仍有待新的解方乃至新的領導性論述。這也就是何以隨著台灣主體性 議論的高漲,學界乃至政壇對族群政治的關注也就益為熱切。

在我們過去的本土-民主化論述裡,「被壓抑的台灣性」和「能壓抑的中國性」是 一組相互定義的基本概念,也因此,「台灣主體性」就和「去中國化」難以切割。對我們而言,追求自由、真理,就必定要反抗中國體制對台灣人民不公不義的壓 迫,以實踐我們的主體。這種反抗敘事的道德性,武裝了我們的精神,也團結了許多個體,不但使手無寸鐵的台灣人民得以打倒威權、創建民主,更使「台灣人」的 群體想像和台灣民主共同體的建構成為可能。

但這種關於台灣性與中國性對立的架構,事實上是特定歷史條件下的產物,而不必是先驗的必然。 作為政治工作者或社會實踐者,我們自當對時空條件的變遷保持適當的敏感與回應。在民主化之後的台灣,至少在政治和社會領域中,中國性對台灣性的宰制地位已 經動搖;而其文化霸權意義上的支配性,也在開放的文化情境中面對競爭或挑戰。則台灣主體性的建立和發展,就不再與反抗中國性的支配必然關聯。

進一步思考,如果我們的意識與行動長久滯留在「反抗」的歷史階段,則反抗與被反抗者之間的關係就成為互相實現的預言,而必然被僵化、固著化。這種關係, 就像漢亭頓(Samuel Huntington)式的西方基督文明本位主義和賓拉登(Usama bin Laden)式的伊斯蘭原教旨主義的相互需要與依存—它們雖不是兩個世界衝突的起點(事實上是衝突之下的產物),但確實具有相互增強的作用。

因此,如何從「反抗的時代」有意識地過渡到「重建的時代」,將會是我們真正能鞏固台灣主體性的關鍵。民主進步黨曾經在2004年以全國黨員代表大會通過 《族群多元、國家一體決議文》,具體定義了我們對多元文化憲政民主體制的價值和追求,並表達了對「「外省」」族群歷史經驗的理解、尊重與肯定。這使戰後以 來在台灣情境中演化的中國性,得以與台灣性調和甚至整合,而成為一種動態演進的新台灣性想像。這類論述工程值得我們繼續努力開拓之、豐富之。如果在鞏固並 深化民主的情境中,「外省」族群對中國性的想像、情感和認同不能被理解、尊重與接納,甚至被負面化、污名化,持續地被當作應與以去除的雜質或干擾,則我們 可以想像,「外省」族群將難以在這樣排斥性的台灣性想像中得到安身立命的空間,甚至必須出之以種種的反彈和對抗,從而開啟台灣島上另一段反抗與被反抗的悲 壯。其實,這正是首度政黨輪替以來發生在台灣並繼續發展中的不幸故事--民主化竟未許諾我們牛奶與蜜之地,反而帶來團結與衝突的艱困課題,令許多人沮喪。 試問,對於不同族群無法一同慶賀的事物,我們豈能視為台灣的勝利?

因此,我認為,重新追索、理解台灣性與中國性的關係,是台灣主體性辯 證的必要工作,也是台灣主權建立與維護的內在基礎。對於戰後台灣的中國性,我們必須能夠區別其中必須要被去除的宰制性,和作為多元文化架構下的人文價值。 也就是說,在重建的時代,我們必須超越單純的去中國化階段,而回歸到去客體化的原始立場,重新審視台灣性之中的中國性,尤其要正視其本土化經驗。這個任務 必須要在不同領域、從各個角度,廣泛檢視發生在台灣土地上的中國性,尤其戰後中華民國體制的質性,與隨帶而來的「外省」族群的離散經驗。

方今台灣各種本土社團紛紛成立並熱衷參與各種政治活動之際,台灣教授協會紮紮實實地舉辦了「中華民國流亡台灣60年暨戰後台灣國際處境」研討會,從國際 法、政治學、社會學、歷史學乃至人類學等不同學門、方法,以嚴謹而持平的學術態度,發掘過去一甲子來中華民國體制在台灣土地的印痕,更探討了戰後中國性在 台灣的建構及其對台灣性的具體影響、意義與內涵。我認為這將會是啟動一個重大論述新方向的很好起點,對參與這項研討的諸位學者們,我願藉此序表達個人的敬 意,並期盼各界可以此論文集為參考座標,展開中國性與台灣性之間更積極的對話與協商,邁向台灣主體性的「重建時代」。


Kindle 3 display: quantization and Gamma correction

The Kindel3 has a 3:4 6" (diagonal) e-ink display of  resolution 600x800x16 (i.e. 4-bit gray-level in depth).
The pixel density of the e-ink display is accordingly ca. 167dpi which is higher than that of the HP 200LX palmtop PC (137.5dpi x 117dpi).

If the non-linearity of the display may be well-modelled by the power function

    brightness = 255 * (pixel_value/255)^gamma

where brightness, pixel_value in [0,254], gamma > 0. Solving

   128  127.5 = 255 * (pixel_value/255)^gamma

(The solution is more compact using 127.5 rather than 128.)

We have

     gamma =  -ln(2) / ln ( pixel_value/255 )
     pixel_value = 255 * 2 ^(-1/gamma)

By displaying the following image on my Kindle 3, holding it at a distance such that the horizontal lines are no longer resolved by the eyes as single lines but perceived as a uniform gray field in the whole, the Gamma value of my Kindle 3 e-ink display appears to be ca. 2.3 2. (2011-06-17 Note that I have changed the value from 2.3 to 2 and this is a bit tricky.  Please feedback if you have tested your Kindle-display, or any other device with a mono-display using this chart.)

2011-06-17 by pgmgamma -w540 -h 720 -s10 -l0.42
Since trying to perceive the above horizontal line-pattern as a uniform gray field may require some practice, I've also made a dot-pattern of 50% duty-cycle as another type of stimulus for achieving the desired 50% "brightness" of the e-ink display.

2010-06-17 pgmgamma -D -w540 -h 720 -s10 -l0.42
Note that the kindle 3 picture-viewer is as "experimental" as its official status.  Displaying various images of different size one after another results in "spatial residuale fragments" left on the screen. The screen-refreshing instruction [Alt]-[G] does not always help.

"Temporal residuales" is  one of the notorious characteristics of e-ink displays. If a "ghost" of the previously displayed image is left on the screen, pressing [Alt]-[G] a couple of times usually would help cleaning up the "ghosting". The above test-images should be displayed cleanly on your e-ink screen before the gamma-correction value can be read out of the chart.  If [Alt]-[G] does not work on your Kindle, you may like to try [Alt]-[R].

Unlike most testing images found on the net, all [0,255] gray-levels are built into the images in increasing order from top to bottom.  These 256 gray levels  will be quantized into a set of 16 gray levels by the image-viewer of the Kindle.  I suspect that the built-in image viewer would perform a simple "ladder-like" quantization due to the lack of computing power.  Upon viewing the test-images, one tends to be annoyed by the edges between neighboring bands of different gray levels. This is a well-known optical illusion attributed to the discoverer Ernst Mach(1838--1916) and was later proven to be related to the circuiting how our retinal ganglion cells collect and pre-process the raw visual stimuli.  This effect is called the Mach bands (German: Machsche Streifen): The brightness within a single band tends to be perceived with a gradient while, in fact, there is only one gray-level within each of the bands.  This effect can be reproduced by applying a Laplacian  (divergence of gradient) operator to the images.

The estimated gamma-value thus may be applied to "optimize" the image-viewing condition.  Note that while most image-viewing applications accept the value as "display-gamma", some might have been programmed to read the reciprocal (1/gamma).  Since the experimental kindle-image-viewer provides no option for gamma-correction, one may wish to pre-process an image before downloading it to the Kindle, so that the images, for instance, would not appear "too dark".

Gamma-correcting a monotonic image usually means expanding the dynamic in the darker range pixel by pixel and compressing in the brighter range by applying

     y = 255 * (x/255)^gamma,       gamma < 1.

Upon doing this, however, one should keep in mind, NOT to throw away the original image, because such non-linear transformations of pixel-values are usually accompanied by information-loss of the resulted picture.  Keep in mind that gamma-correcting an image is a "provisional" measure to tailor an image for one particular set of displays and that every visualizing device comes with its own characteristic of non-linearity, thus a different gamma-value, if that can be modelled this way at all.

Therefore, the estimated gamma by inspecting the above images is more of a parameter for characterizing the e-ink display itself than a proper gamma value for a particular image file.  It is not applicable on every image and there is no rule of thumb for determining "the correct" gamma value to use, unless one knows exactly how the image had been made -- type of scanner, parameters used upon scanning, ..., etc..

For those who would like to experiment with their own test-charts, I'm appending the data as shown below:

# gamma pixel_value (gammac -L -b1 -i1 |less )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 0.125 1
 0.143 2
 0.156 3
 0.167 4
 0.176 5
 0.185 6
 0.193 7
 0.200 8
 0.207 9
 0.214 10
 0.221 11
 0.227 12
 0.233 13
 0.239 14
 0.245 15
 0.250 16
 0.256 17
 0.261 18
 0.267 19
 0.272 20
 0.278 21
 0.283 22
 0.288 23
 0.293 24
 0.298 25
 0.304 26
 0.309 27
 0.314 28
 0.319 29
 0.324 30
 0.329 31
 0.334 32
 0.339 33
 0.344 34
 0.349 35
 0.354 36
 0.359 37
 0.364 38
 0.369 39
 0.374 40
 0.379 41
 0.384 42
 0.389 43
 0.394 44
 0.400 45
 0.405 46
 0.410 47
 0.415 48
 0.420 49
 0.425 50
 0.431 51
 0.436 52
 0.441 53
 0.447 54
 0.452 55
 0.457 56
 0.463 57
 0.468 58
 0.474 59
 0.479 60
 0.485 61
 0.490 62
 0.496 63
 0.501 64
 0.507 65
 0.513 66
 0.519 67
 0.524 68
 0.530 69
 0.536 70
 0.542 71
 0.548 72
 0.554 73
 0.560 74
 0.566 75
 0.573 76
 0.579 77
 0.585 78
 0.592 79
 0.598 80
 0.604 81
 0.611 82
 0.618 83
 0.624 84
 0.631 85
 0.638 86
 0.645 87
 0.651 88
 0.658 89
 0.666 90
 0.673 91
 0.680 92
 0.687 93
 0.695 94
 0.702 95
 0.710 96
 0.717 97
 0.725 98
 0.733 99
 0.740 100
 0.748 101
 0.756 102
 0.765 103
 0.773 104
 0.781 105
 0.790 106
 0.798 107
 0.807 108
 0.816 109
 0.824 110
 0.833 111
 0.842 112
 0.852 113
 0.861 114
 0.870 115
 0.880 116
 0.890 117
 0.900 118
 0.909 119
 0.920 120
 0.930 121
 0.940 122
 0.951 123
 0.961 124
 0.972 125
 0.983 126
 0.994 127
 1.006 128
 1.017 129
 1.029 130
 1.041 131
 1.053 132
 1.065 133
 1.077 134
 1.090 135
 1.103 136
 1.116 137
 1.129 138
 1.142 139
 1.156 140
 1.170 141
 1.184 142
 1.198 143
 1.213 144
 1.228 145
 1.243 146
 1.258 147
 1.274 148
 1.290 149
 1.306 150
 1.323 151
 1.340 152
 1.357 153
 1.374 154
 1.392 155
 1.411 156
 1.429 157
 1.448 158
 1.467 159
 1.487 160
 1.507 161
 1.528 162
 1.549 163
 1.570 164
 1.592 165
 1.615 166
 1.638 167
 1.661 168
 1.685 169
 1.710 170
 1.735 171
 1.760 172
 1.787 173
 1.814 174
 1.841 175
 1.869 176
 1.898 177
 1.928 178
 1.959 179
 1.990 180
 2.022 181
 2.055 182
 2.089 183
 2.124 184
 2.160 185
 2.197 186
 2.235 187
 2.274 188
 2.314 189
 2.356 190
 2.399 191
 2.443 192
 2.488 193
 2.535 194
 2.584 195
 2.634 196
 2.686 197
 2.740 198
 2.795 199
 2.853 200
 2.913 201
 2.975 202
 3.039 203
 3.106 204
 3.176 205
 3.248 206
 3.324 207
 3.402 208
 3.484 209
 3.570 210
 3.660 211
 3.753 212
 3.851 213
 3.954 214
 4.062 215
 4.176 216
 4.295 217
 4.421 218
 4.554 219
 4.695 220
 4.844 221
 5.002 222
 5.169 223
 5.348 224
 5.538 225
 5.741 226
 5.959 227
 6.193 228
 6.445 229
 6.718 230
 7.012 231
 7.333 232
 7.682 233
 8.065 234
 8.486 235
 8.952 236
 9.469 237
10.047 238
10.697 239
11.433 240
12.275 241
13.247 242
14.380 243
15.719 244
17.326 245
19.291 246
21.746 247
24.902 248
29.111 249
35.003 250
43.841 251
58.570 252
88.029 253
76.406 254



* 擋軍購?要軍購?隨他怎麼講。
這個 CNN 記者眼裡的 
   "this man" 對著全國媒體所說。

   台灣的選民 deserve it!:)
   沒有 near destruction 的經驗,

* 馬英九又講塑化劑冷笑話 蔡英文:不應拿來當輕鬆的話題

* 馬英九的冷血絕非偶然

* 馬父老友批馬跳票!馬英九給了說法?



我們由衷期盼的是,台灣社會還可以容得下幾個良幣(modō subiunctīvō)。


【義美豆奶、冰棒不含塑化劑 可以安心吃 !】 2011-06-03T11:01
資料來源:鄉民論壇 http://www.rural77.com/thread-7769-1-1.html
資料來源:Taiwan News http://www.taiwannews.com.tw/etn/news_content.php?id=1616227

By Jimi Liao
台灣英文新聞 記者
2011-06-03 11:01 AM












其它連結四:讓証據說話,還給義美食品一個公道!! (增於 2011-06-17)