
小新聞,大議題 (4):「威權式民主」?

3 月 19 日看公視晚間新聞的時候,聽到了一句「昨天有人在網路上誤傳他病逝的消息,新加坡總理公署已經澄清並提告。」 [1] 才又想起,新加坡是個獨裁國家,差點就忘了,還好他們提告了。

其實不只是對「誤傳死訊」提告,他們最近還抓了一個 17 歲的新加坡少年,因為「報導未有提及他涉及什麼罪名」[3] [4]。但是很清楚地,他是因為拍了 [2] 這一支短片。這個短片當然會被消音,就像慈濟也試圖消所有的音一樣。然而,在這個時代,這套是行不通的。

李光耀如「誤傳」所述,真的死了。台灣媒體一片歌功頌德,這包括下圖左邊這位胡忠信,「… 李光耀先生在那裡展現一個強人的溫柔的心,李光耀為新加坡的未來,不知道怎麼辦而流眼淚,這一點,我要向李光耀先生致最高敬意。」[5] 下圖右邊這位楊實秋說的則是「… 所以,他是實行一種威權式的民主…」[6]。再看看下圖中間這位 Amos Yee 的短片 [2],我們會驚覺,為什麼這個社會會有「世代交替」的需求!

胡忠信,我的定位是,一個看風向評論的名嘴,崇尚的是 egocentrism。記憶猶新的,是他在追追追這個節目中,第一次談到慈濟議題的那種「孫兒子模樣」(引用周玉蔻 [a])。是彭文正、李晶玉跟周玉蔻孤獨地堅持下去,撐住了檢討慈濟的聲浪,胡忠信才跟進的。這是哪一集呢?就等我找到了再補上好了。

楊實秋呢?他是個形象清新的國民黨民意代表,但是,「威權式民主」?我有點想像柯文哲那樣一直抓頭… 這到底是哪個政治學派的概念呢?在一個複合式概念裡,囊括了兩個對立的子概念,難道我學藝不精?趕快上網,結果只看到一個稍稍比較接近的東西,叫做 "electoral authoritarianism",他們把它翻譯為「選舉式威權」。




後記 2015-07-02

加入 External Links [8] 到 [15]。余澎杉所 post 的 YouTube 影片 [2] 沒有中文字幕,昨天的公視《有話好說》[13] 加入了中文字幕


Related Articles

[a] 2012-07-14 名嘴語錄

External Links

[1] 李光耀病危 網誤傳病逝 星國提告, 公視晚間新聞/記者施慧中, 2015-03-19





==(1965.08)前新加坡總理 李光耀==
相信星馬應該合併 統一
人民在地理上 經濟上


[2] Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead!, C K.H, 2015-3-29

Re-upload of Amos Yee's video, first posted on 27 March 2015 and currently made private on his account. Yee later ridiculed Mr Lee in a post published on his blog on 28 March, depicting him in a "satirically sexual image".
[3] 拍片批評李光耀 新加坡17歲少年被捕, 立場新聞, 2015-03-30
《海峽時報》今日報道,早前拍片批評李光耀「終於死去(finally dead)」的新加坡17歲少年Amos Yee被警方拘捕,報道未有提及他涉及什麼罪名。

Amos Yee上周上載了一段名為「李光耀終於死去(Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead!)」的片段,全長8分38秒,在片段中,他直指李光耀是「假民主、真獨裁」,箝制言論自由,表明自己不怕被控誹謗。片段上載後,吸引近30萬人次瀏覽。

Amos Yee在影片中先表明,自己已有心理準備會被以言入罪,但明言不會害怕:
Lee Kuan Yew was a horrible person because everyone is scared. Everyone is afraid that if they say something like that, they might get into trouble.
I am not afraid. So if Lee Hsien Loong wishes to sue me, I will oblige to dance with him.
Amos Yee又斥李光耀是獨裁者,卻透過選舉推行假民主,甚至指他和耶穌一樣欺騙世人:
He was a dictator but managed to fool most of the world to think he was democratic. He did so by still granting us the opportunity to vote. To make it seem like we have freedom of choice.
They are both power-hungry and malicious but deceive others into thinking they are both compassionate.
During your ruling, you control the entire media and education proliferating nationalistic propaganda on a daily basis. Since Lee Kuan Yew is dead, all day you see 24 hours news coverage of necrophilia, sucking Lee Kuan Yew’s dick.
Lee Kuan Yew followers are completely delusional and have absolutely no sound logic or knowledge about him that is grounded in reality.

報道指出,諷刺李光耀的短片已被移除。不過,連日在Youtube上,有不少用戶重新上載Amos Yee諷刺李光耀的短片。
[4] 拍片罵李光耀極權 星少年被捕, 蘋果日報, 2015-03-30
   http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/international/20150330/583715/拍片罵李光耀極權 星少年被捕
新加坡《海峽時報》報導,日前上載自拍短片、狠批前總理李光耀極權的17歲少年余澎杉(Amos Yee)周日已被捕,但沒提及他涉及哪些罪名,只說當地警方收到最少20起舉報。

余澎杉上周五在YouTube上載題為「Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead!」(李光耀終於死了)的短片,以夾雜髒話的英語狠批李光耀是獨裁者、極權者,直言李光耀就像耶穌一樣「權力慾強而惡毒,卻想讓人以為他充滿慈愛」,他稱不少人怕麻煩不敢批評,但他不怕被告。

[5] 03282015 週末新聞追追追, TheSunflowerMovement, 2015-3-28


[6] 03292015 週末新聞追追追, TheSunflowerMovement, 2015-3-29

[7] 拍片賀「李光耀終於死了」 星洲少年被控三罪, 熱血時報, 2015-03-31
16 歲新加坡少年余澎杉(Amos Yee Pang Sang)因上周在Youtube 上載一段「李光耀終於死了」之短片,被指涉嫌詆毀基督教及對新加坡前總理李光耀作出冒犯性言論被捕,今日在新加坡國家法院提堂,被正式控以3 項罪名,包括在網上發布淫褻性圖片、蓄意發表攻擊性言論,傷害基督徒感情,以及對李光耀作出冒犯性言論,傷害到新加坡人的感情。而根據相關控罪,余有可能被判三年監禁及罰款。

據星媒《海峽時報》今日( 3月31日) 報道,余在父母陪同下上庭,法官批准以2萬坡幣保釋外出,另附額外保釋條件,就是在案件審訊期間,禁止余在任何社交網絡平台張貼任何訊息及發表評論。法官將案件押後至4月17日再審。

余身穿黑色圓領 T 恤、灰褲膠拖鞋步出法庭時面露微笑,輕鬆向在場記者揮手。但余父卻在庭外愧疚地雙手合十向記者說,「我想借此機會,向李總理(李顯龍)說一聲非常抱歉。」
[8] 侮辱李光耀 余澎杉被送精神病房 手腳被綁難小便, 立場新聞, 2015-06-15
新加坡16歲少年余澎杉(Amos Yee),早前因拍片大罵李光耀而被判罪成,自本月2日起還押並等候監獄署評估報告。其代表律師(編按:Alfred Dodwell)於信件中透露,余澎杉因有自殺傾向而被關進精神病房(編按:即新加坡的 RTC,Reformative Training Centre),他一邊手腳被綁,連小便都有困難。

澳洲獨立媒體《States Times Review》,引述余澎杉的代表律師指,余澎杉於本月4日,即是入獄後三日,就向獄中精神科醫生透露自己有自殺念頭。


新加坡新聞網站「 THE ONLINE CITIZEN」(編按:即以下所謂 TOC)則聲稱收到一封由新加坡司法部(編按:即新加坡的總檢察署 AGC,Attorney-General’s Chambers)在6月13日發出的信件,指余澎杉代表律師早前發表的另一篇文章,可能會歪曲案件的審訊過程,並且指有關文件所描述的情況並不準確。司法部指,余澎杉的代表律師已經在網上刪除了有關文章,因此要求「 THE ONLINE CITIZEN」亦刪除相關的報道。

「 THE ONLINE CITIZEN」指,代表律師在該文章中,曾經質疑新加坡司法部在原本的控罪中,完全沒有提及過要將余澎杉判入青年改造所(編按:RTC),只曾考慮罰款或。監禁,但如今法庭卻考慮將他判入改造所,認為司法部做法不妥。
[9] AGC sends TOC take-down notification for letter by Amos Yee’s lawyer,
     The Online Citizen, 2015-06-15
The Online Citizen received a letter from the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC), dated 13 June, last Saturday, about a letter published by Mr Alfred Dodwell, the lawyer representing Amos Yee, on his firm’s website, which was subsequently reproduced by TOC in the article “Inappropriate to even consider RTC for Amos Yee: Teen’s lawyer“. (見 [10])

AGC said that the letter contains material that can constitute sub judice and misrepresent the proceedings of the case.

“The Attorney-General’s Chambers take the view that defence counsel’s publication of the letter on the website of M/S Dodwell & Co. amounts to sub judice conduct; further, that the letter does not convey an accurate picture of the proceedings in this case,” said Deputy Public Prosecutor Kelvin Koh.

“Please note that any subsequent publication of the said letter would also be conduct offending the sub judice rule.”

No other details were given by AGC.

We understand that Dodwell & Co. had subsequently removed the letter from its website.

In the letter addressed to Judge Jasvender Kaur, Mr Dodwell had indicated aspects of AGC’s process in submitting evidence which he felt were inappropriate, and also questioned the suitability of proposing a reformative training sentence for Yee.

He also indicated in the letter that he would be making submissions in court to that effect.

In addition, Mr Dodwell had related that Yee might have been subject to ill-treatment while in remand at Changi Prison.

Yee was found guilty of offences relating to the Penal Code section 298, for a YouTube video he created that criticised former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, and section 292 for a caricature he uploaded depicting Mr Lee and former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher engaging in sexual activities.

TOC has removed the letter from our original article.

We are also following up with AGC to ask which aspects of Mr Dodwell’s letter risk sub judice or have inaccurately portrayed Yee’s case, and will provide updates when we receive a response.

AGC’s letter to TOC, dated 13 June, is appended below. (該信內容請點閱原址)
[10] Inappropriate to even consider RTC for Amos Yee: Teen’s lawyer, 2015-06-?
The lawyer for 16-year old teenager Amos Yee has written a strongly-worded appeal to the court, saying that the judge should not have called for an evaluation for reformative training for the teen as it has never been considered in his original sentencing.

Mr Alfred Dodwell, in a letter dated today, 12 June, also said that it was inappropriate for the Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC) to submit evidence not related to Yee’s original charges, following 12 May 2015, for the judge’s consideration to send Yee to the Reformative Training Centre (RTC).

Yee has been in remand since 3 June, while an assessment is made to gauge his suitability for reformative training.

“It must be pointed out that at the earlier hearing on 12 May 2015, the issue for the court was whether Amos would even consider probation,” wrote Mr Dodwell. “For otherwise, it was whether Amos would fined for the offences and/or face a period of incarceration. There was no mention of Reformative Training, nor any discussion of RTC as an alternative sentencing consideration in this matter.”

“We would put it plainly and categorically that the reason there was no discussion on RTC is because it was evident from the outset that that (Yee’s) offence does not warrant a consideration of RTC.”

Yee was found guilty of offences relating to the Penal Code section 298, for a YouTube video he created that criticised former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, and section 292 for a caricature he uploaded depicting Mr Lee and former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher engaging in sexual activities.

Section 298 offences – uttering words with a deliberate intent to wound the religious or racial feelings of any person – carries a maximum jail term penalty of three years, a fine or both. Section 292 offences – including the distribution of obscene material – carry a maximum penalty of three months in jail, a fine or both.

Mr Dodwell said that on 12 May, Judge Jasvender Kaur had sought to “impress upon Amos’ parents to persuade him to consider probation”, which was also what he as legal counsel had attempted to do.

This was of the view that Yee was happy to be jailed or fined, if Judge Jasvender would consider a fine.

The Deputy Public Prosecutor had earlier told the court that imprisonment or a fine were unsuitable for Yee, because they would “not have any impact on (Yee’s) insight and self-control, and that is not tenable, because we cannot be popping back into court every other day.”

Mr Dodwell also criticised the suitability of evidence brought before the court for the consideration of Yee’s RTC sentencing.

“We would state that any events post-12 May 2015 should not be brought to the attention of the Judge if it has nothing to do with the offence in question,” wrote Mr Dodwell.

“To allow for the continuous receipt of evidence and Affidavits would mean there is no end to the amount of damage that is sought to be piled on Amos. With respect, Amos cannot be tried and re-tried on the pretext of his offending postings with unrelated postings, his views on the charge, and his views on the case.”

Mr Dodwell charged that “all of this highly prejudicial material has been placed before the Judge to seek to color her mind, influencing the court against taking a decision to give Amos the lightest possible sentence and now even ordering that Amos be placed on remand for RTC consideration.”

To put Yee’s behaviour since 12 May to 2 June would hence be “wholly unfair and unjust on Amos to be under scrutiny merely because he has chosen, unlike others, to put his views and thoughts in his personal blog.”

Mr Dodwell said that “it is our contention that the whole trial-sentencing process has been tainted” as a result of the “irrelevant and highly prejudicial material placed before the Judge”.

He also noted that the prosecution had stated at the hearing on 2 June 2015 that fresh charges might be levied against Amos for his refusal to take down the offending postings.

“If that is so, why is it now placed before the Judge?” he wrote. “So, is Amos to be punished twice for this same matter of his refusal to take down his postings? The muddling of matters is extremely prejudicial to Amos.”

Mr Dodwell also called into question the effectiveness of an RTC sentence should it comes to pass, and indicated that doing so might impinge on his rights to free speech under Article 14 of the Singapore Constitution, as he has not been found guilty for all the posts that are now under consideration for his sentencing.

Mr Dodwell also called into question the effectiveness of an RTC sentence should it comes to pass, and indicated that doing so might impinge on his rights to free speech under Article 14 of the Singapore Constitution, as he has not been found guilty for all the posts that are now under consideration for his sentencing.

Mr Dodwell also highlighted the poor treatment that Yee has been subject to while in remand at Changi Prison.

Yee was apparently not given access to the legal documents that Mr Dodwell had prepared for him and put in the care of the prison officers with strict instructions for them to be given to Yee.

He also noted the treatment that Yee was subject to that left him in “a state of depression and having severe suicidal thoughts” which was aggravated by his time spent in remand. He then told the prison officer that he was feeling suicidal.

“Regrettably, as a result of what Amos shared, Amos was taken to the prison medical facility and strapped to a bed in a medical facility for approximately one and a half days. This episode aggravated Amos’s suicidal thoughts. He was restrained with one of his hands and one of his legs strapped to the bed. Amos informed us that he could only sit up or lie down. He found it extremely difficult to urinate and defecate. He was expected to urinate into a jar at the side of the bed, which would be left there after he does so notwithstanding the pungent odors which would emanate. He had to bend down painfully against his straps in order to do so. In the said medical ward, Amos was surrounded by patients who were mentally unsound. One patient was constantly jerking against his chains and another one would talk to himself and be unresponsive to other people. Furthermore, the lights were never switched off throughout the day and was glaring into our client’s eyes such that he could hardly have any restful sleep.”

In view of this, and considering Yee’s age and time already spent in remand, Mr Dodwell proposed that an RTC sentence would be inappropriate, and for the hearing date to be brought forward.
[11] Criminal Charges Against Amos Yee Pang Sang, Alfred Dodwell (余澎杉的律師),

[12] 新馬港台公民團體聲援批李光耀少年, BBC中文網特約記者李慧敏, 2015-06-30
辱罵已故新加坡前總理李光耀的16歲少年余澎杉(Amos Yee)被關押的新聞引起國際人權組織的關注,而包括台灣、香港、馬來西亞以及新加坡在內的公民社會團體也紛紛呼籲當局釋放少年。




爭取言論自由與公民權利的新加坡公民團體「社區行動網絡」(Community Action Network ,CAN) 則將在7月5日(周日)舉辦「釋放余澎杉」集會。









對於余澎杉所面對的處境,母親Mary Toh周一在社交媒體上書寫心聲,向兒子道歉。














[13] 20150701有話好說:「李光耀終於死了!」余澎杉拘禁精神病院!, PTSTalk, 2015-07-01

唐博偉(國際特赦組織台灣分會 秘書長)
[14] Mary Toh/卓瑪利(余澎杉的媽媽), 臉書, 2015-06-29
Sorry Son.
Sorry for telling you that you are in the safest country. You are feeling so insecure and scared now.
Sorry for urging you to be a law-abiding citizen. The laws are doing you more harm than good now.
Sorry for assuring you that you will be well-protected. You are being threatened and ill-treated now.
Sorry for saying that our government provides us the best welfare. You are not even allowed to sleep at home now.
Sorry for telling you that home is best. It is where you were arrested from.
Sorry for encouraging you to be creative and expressive. You are regarded as crazy and rebellious instead.
Sorry for not teaching you well. You could have been taught otherwise.
Sorry Son. Mummy is wrong.
[15] 游清源, 意譯Mary Toh給兒子Amos Yee的臉書留言, 2015-06-30
看到卓瑪利(Mary Toh)給Amos Yee(余澎杉)的臉書留言,感到這是一首關於愛與罪與罰的懺情詩,是以忍不住野人獻曝,意譯上述留言,藉此向每一位母親和每一位為自由付出代價的有心人致意。


[16] 20150706 公視晚間新聞, PTS 台灣公共電視, 2015-7-6

批評李光耀遭判刑 星16歲少年今獲釋, 公視新聞網, 2015-07-06



